Simple pear and strawberry trifle. Kept it very small-kid and convalescent Kavi-friendly this time, with strawberry jam (I don’t usually use jam in my trifle), no sherry, and non-dairy Cool Whip instead of real whipped cream (Kavi’s avoiding dairy for another day or two until she’s fully recovered). (There’s a nice bottle of sherry on the counter, though, so you can either add a glog to your trifle or just drink some…)
We’re hosting potluck and board games and knitting / crochet this afternoon. Kind of a low-key version of our traditional Christmas party + New Year’s open house. I sent out invites late enough, I suspect not too many of our good friends can make it, but maybe a few, and we should have some new folks coming for knitting. A chance to make some new friends, perhaps.
I’ve been mostly in hunker down mode for a while, but I don’t want to stay there forever — time to open up a little, reach out to the community, breathe.
Okay, I promised Kavi a mango fluff, so make that next, so it has time to set. Beef smoore and ginger-garlic chicken made, next I think a quick carrot-cucumber pickle. Will set out yogurt instead of making a raita, because that way, the yogurt can either go with the curries or be eaten with berries.
And if I’m feeling ambitious, maybe some Sri Lankan noodles — Amma used to make those for New Year’s, if I’m remembering right. But there’s a bit of cleaning and organizing to do too, so we’ll see.
Open house 2-6, bring some food or drink to share. Or just show up, and please help me eat all the food I want to cook. 🙂