This may be the most iconic flavor combo of my childhood — beef curry with carrot curry on rice. I think my mom made it close to weekly, and the two flavors go perfectly together — the savory spice of the beef with the sweetness of the carrots cooked in coconut milk.
When I eat it, part of me is twelve years old again, sitting at the kitchen table at dinnertime with my little sisters, reading a book. (I was a terrible conversationalist at family dinner. Mostly still am.)
(Not pictured with actual rice — was trying out shirataki. Shirataki, marketed here as ‘Miracle Rice’ would be an okay substitute for noodles, I think. It basically has no tooth, though, so if I were desperate for no-carb, almost no-calorie, rice-like thing, I might have some, but I definitely like rice + quinoa better for a lower-carb than plain white rice option. Or if I really felt like I wanted a big bed of white ‘something’ to put under curry? I am more than a little weirded out by the almost-no-calorie food concept, though.)