Shipping out some cookbook & curry powder & milk toffee orders today. I want to apologize to the folks who ordered these — some of them are 6-8 weeks out from ordering, and I have to admit, they honestly just fell off my radar somehow; I got a little overwhelmed or pandemic-exhausted or something in March, and I lost track of checking the order tracker we have set up.
So sorry! I don’t think that’ll happen again, as Stephanie now knows to backstop me on that. Things just fall out of my head sometimes. Usually I should be able to ship book orders within a week!
I’m almost caught up on orders (just a few more masks to sew and send out today), and this is the last week of teaching, so I’m thinking about what I have capacity to do. Normally I’d have a fair bit of travel in the summer, but there probably won’t be much this year, so it’s basically writing, gardening, and then working on continuing to develop the SLF and Serendib.
I’m hoping to finish Vegan Serendib recipe development soon (you should see a flurry of recipes for that in the next two weeks), and we’re looking at starting to schedule book events for Feast over the rest of the year. We’re still a little tentative about in-person events, but maybe some outdoor events in the summer, and then possibly some indoor in the autumn? Always assuming we don’t have to backtrack with new virus variants, etc.
But for online promotions (I do still have something like 1500 books sitting in a warehouse in North Carolina, after cancelling all of last year’s book tour events), I was thinking that I probably have capacity to do a little fun stuff.
I was thinking about having regular weekly sales from May 1 – July 31? I’m thinking something like:
• Fridays are Sweet: get a set of 5 pieces of Sri Lankan cashew milk toffee with every book ordered
• Sunday are Savory: get 4 oz. of Sri Lankan curry powder with every book ordered
I think those should be relatively easy to manage production for over the summer; spending a little time every weekend on making milk toffee and curry powder sounds manageable, and like it won’t get in the way of novel-writing. And if it’s regular sales, there’s less mental tracking involved for me and the Serendib staff.
Thoughts welcome.