Sri Lankan dinner for twelve

I might’ve done a lot of cooking today. Sri Lankan dinner for twelve. Other people helped shop and chop and did all the dishes while I was cooking, and all the cleanup afterwards. It was actually a lot of fun — it’s been a while since I had time to cook like this. I love composing a complex meal, and even dealing with restricted ingredients can add a fun challenge.

AND I finished a story draft today. Today gets an A+ on the personal front.

• cheese and chutney (from a jar) and crackers
• mango-passionfruit mimosas
• red samba milk rice
• basmati rice
• seared ahi tuna, seasoned with a marinade of green chili, onion, and pink Hawaiian sea salt (this was an experiment, turned out well)
• local beef (from a family farm) curry
• tempered red lentils (one guest liked it so much, she took a photo of the recipe in my cookbook)
• egg curry
• eggplant and date curry (no tamarind easily found nearby, but dates worked well in a complementary sort of way)
• papaya and pineapple curry (v. popular)
• kale salad
• cucumber salad
• yogurt (okay, I didn’t cook this, but it was on the table, so)
• vanilla ice cream and store-bought cookies — in theory, I was going to make fruit salad, but ran out of energy, alas. But the papaya-pineapple curry was actually really good / interesting on the ice cream!

Sardines on toast

Couple hours layover, going to try to get through a little bit of photo posting.

A few days ago, tried sardines on toast with some Sri Lankan spreads — the eggplant pickle was a little too sweet, I think — a touch of it would’ve been nice, but not on its own. The seeni sambol (spicy-sweet caramelized onions) worked better, but I have to admit, I like mine better than this one that comes ready-made in a jar. On the other hand, for a 3-minute breakfast (just long enough to toast the bread), the jar is awfully convenient…