Does the Internet Want My Shortbread?

Bopped over to check the Kickstarter (it’s the last two days, so after ignoring it for weeks, I’m now obsessively checking it every hour or so), and we broke $7000, woot! 🙂 The question is, will we get to the $7500 stretch goal before time runs out?

How badly does the internet want my shortbread?…/vegan-serendib-a-sri…

I feel like I should now be singing something about my shortbread bringing all the boys and girls and gentlebeings to the yard…

Making Mango Fluff

Mango fluff recipe is over at the Serendib Kitchen blog:…/mango-lime-pineapple-fluff/

Along with a video of me and Kavi making it together:

Kavi made this for me for…Mother’s Day? Something not so long ago. Very kid-friendly recipe.

I’ll note that you can totally use vegetarian gelatin for this. I haven’t been able to get vegetarian gelatin to set well enough for actual marshmallows yet, but it works fine for fluff.

I’m not sure how to make it vegan — I’d need a substitute for the Cool Whip, which has skimmed milk in it. I’m guessing you can whip coconut milk? I should try that sometime soon; if I can, then I can include it in the Vegan Serendib cookbook.

More of a Family Party

Mango fluff all done, although if I get a chance to cut up some fresh mango and use it to decorate the top I will — there’s crushed pineapple in there already, but fresh mango will make it a) tastier and b) prettier.

It’s also a little disconcerting not having all my pretty serveware, but I’m cooking at Jed’s and then transiting up to Alex and Christa’s, so I decided that foil trays really were the better part of valor here. I’m sure they have some pretty serveware I can use, but since I have to transport anyway, foil trays are just practical as heck. This is more of a family party than a formal party. 🙂

A Craving for Cake

I had a craving for cake last night, but there was none to be had, and no one was volunteering to bake a cake for me and I didn’t have the energy. So that was sad, but I went poking around in my pantry, and realized I had sweetened condensed milk, which reminded me of a classic dessert of my childhood, mixed tinned fruit with sweetened condensed milk, and we had fresh cherries, so I thought they might be good together, and Reader — they were.

So Very Summer

The danger of easing into your day with a little GBBO is that you may decide that what you really want to make is a meringue bombé for your first post-COVID party on the coming weekend. (Everyone attending vaccinated, numbers very limited compared to previous years, we’re easing into this…)

I really don’t have time to experiment with meringue bombés right now!

But I might make a pavlova. That’s easy. 🙂 And so very summer…

A Spontaneous Hug

They picked lemon glaze for the plain donuts (they learned to zest and squeeze a lemon), and chocolate glaze for the chocolate donuts. I got a spontaneous hug, so I think Kavi was having fun. 🙂