In goes a quarter cup of brandy — or in this case, Cointreau. I guess I’m just feeling orange-ish this year. Sometimes we do sherry. It’s all good. Now it’s all mixed together, covered, and left to soak overnight.
Will bake after work tomorrow…
with Mary Anne Mohanraj
In goes a quarter cup of brandy — or in this case, Cointreau. I guess I’m just feeling orange-ish this year. Sometimes we do sherry. It’s all good. Now it’s all mixed together, covered, and left to soak overnight.
Will bake after work tomorrow…
Kavi, who’s been a little sick for a few days: Do we have any chocolate?
Me, dubiously: We have chocolate chips.
Kavi, pathetically: Anything more dessert-y?
Me, thinking: How does chocolate pudding sound?
Kavi, cheerfully: I haven’t had chocolate pudding in forever. That sounds great.
Me, a gleam in my eye: Give me a few minutes.
….ten minutes later, drumroll….
Presenting very dessert-y chocolate pudding!
(Instant vanilla pudding we happened to have on hand, cooked on the stovetop with chocolate chips melted in, chilled in our fanciest gold-flecked dessert bowl, with gold candies scattered over, graced with graham crackers…)
I am happy to inform you that milady was pleased with the offering; there will be no chastisement in the kitchens tonight.