Made this tonight, from the Skinny Taste air fryer cookbook, because Kev got us an air fryer a while back and I figured I should learn how to use it. This was good, but dang, white people food makes a lot of mess to cook. So many dishes! And then you need utensils to eat it too…
Sri Lankan dinner for twelve
I might’ve done a lot of cooking today. Sri Lankan dinner for twelve. Other people helped shop and chop and did all the dishes while I was cooking, and all the cleanup afterwards. It was actually a lot of fun — it’s been a while since I had time to cook like this. I love composing a complex meal, and even dealing with restricted ingredients can add a fun challenge.
AND I finished a story draft today. Today gets an A+ on the personal front.
• cheese and chutney (from a jar) and crackers
• mango-passionfruit mimosas
• red samba milk rice
• basmati rice
• seared ahi tuna, seasoned with a marinade of green chili, onion, and pink Hawaiian sea salt (this was an experiment, turned out well)
• local beef (from a family farm) curry
• tempered red lentils (one guest liked it so much, she took a photo of the recipe in my cookbook)
• egg curry
• eggplant and date curry (no tamarind easily found nearby, but dates worked well in a complementary sort of way)
• papaya and pineapple curry (v. popular)
• kale salad
• cucumber salad
• yogurt (okay, I didn’t cook this, but it was on the table, so)
• vanilla ice cream and store-bought cookies — in theory, I was going to make fruit salad, but ran out of energy, alas. But the papaya-pineapple curry was actually really good / interesting on the ice cream!
Sardines on toast
Couple hours layover, going to try to get through a little bit of photo posting.
A few days ago, tried sardines on toast with some Sri Lankan spreads — the eggplant pickle was a little too sweet, I think — a touch of it would’ve been nice, but not on its own. The seeni sambol (spicy-sweet caramelized onions) worked better, but I have to admit, I like mine better than this one that comes ready-made in a jar. On the other hand, for a 3-minute breakfast (just long enough to toast the bread), the jar is awfully convenient…
A nice dinner tonight
Took a little time to make a nice dinner tonight; chicken piccata with linguine and roasted broccolini.
Delicious, and doesn’t raise my glucose much.
Most breakfasts this week — toasted multigrain bread (I’ve been eating Dave’s recently), Sri Lankan swordfish curry, hard-boiled egg. Delicious, and doesn’t raise my glucose much.
Recipe for swordfish curry below.
A proper meal WITH a vegetable
Shrimp curry, rice, cabbage varai. Life slowed down enough that I could actually cook a proper meal WITH a vegetable…
NOW it feels like Christmas
Trifle semi-demolished, standing over the curried brisket picking out bits to nibble, contemplating more cheese — NOW it feels like Christmas.
Simple pear and strawberry trifle
Okay, I promised Kavi a mango fluff, so make that next, so it has time to set. Beef smoore and ginger-garlic chicken made, next I think a quick carrot-cucumber pickle. Will set out yogurt instead of making a raita, because that way, the yogurt can either go with the curries or be eaten with berries. And if I’m feeling ambitious, maybe some Sri Lankan noodles — Amma used to make those for New Year’s, if I’m remembering right. But there’s a bit of cleaning and organizing to do too, so we’ll see. Open house 2-6, bring some food or drink to share. Or just show up, and please help me eat all the food I want to cook. 🙂
Beef Smoore with Brisket
Instant Pot Beef Smoore
It makes me happy, having such a pretty meal
#type2diabetes #fishforbreakfast — this is honestly very similar to my previous fish for breakfast option, which was whitefish spread on multigrain toast, with the same toppings (pickled onions, capers, cherry tomatoes), but so many people suggested a bagel and lox, I figured I should explicitly include it in the list. I eat this all the time. 🙂
I’m watching the new season of Queer Eye right now, and one common theme is how many people don’t take time to take care of themselves, because they’re so focused on caring for other people, or so focused on work.
I try to make a decent breakfast for myself most days, and I really do think it helps set me up for a good day — this meal looks fancy, but takes literally 5 minutes. And it makes me happy, having such a pretty meal, and the flavors are so satisfying and well-balanced, the salty and tangy and sweet, every bite is a pleasure. It’s good to start your day with pleasure.
Nutrition count for half bagel with lox — will vary, but roughly:
Calories: 350
Carbs: 25
know most takeout places will automatically give you a full bagel, but I feel like a half is plenty of bread for me in a meal.