Free Pantry Update

Little free pantry update, and a request for help — I’ve been keeping an eye out it, and in the last few days, other people have contributed food items (thank you!), and two things have gone — peanut butter and canned tuna. I checked some lists of what food pantries are most in need of, and those are high on the list, so I’ve ordered some more, and we’re going to try to keep those in stock there; I’ll be adding canned chicken too.

Again, if you’re in a position to give funds, locally, Beyond Hunger is a great organization to donate to — they have far more reach than we do, and can buy in bulk and make your money go further. The main point of having a LFP is that it’s hyper-local, that we can try to take care of our immediate neighbors on surrounding blocks.

To that end, I want to add some flyers to our LFP telling them what other options are out there. Someone who’s just moved to the neighborhood might not know about Beyond Hunger, or about Oak Park Mutual Aid.

And while I know that some of the churches do food distribution, I don’t know any specifics. If you’re local, can you help me crowdsource a list of relevant local resources? Dropping relevant info in the comments would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Decorative Leaves

I pulled some greens from the garden to show examples of what else you could sambol — curly kale, dinosaur kale, rainbow chard — and of course, I now have kale sambol coming out of my ears, having made multiple versions of it for this morning’s TV thingie, so I decided that for now, these leaves can be decorative instead.

(We’ll probably still eat them tomorrow. )

I Survived Cooking on Live TV

Sunday brunch segment at WGN, our local station. Shout-out to Kavi who got up at 7 a.m. (very early for a teenager) to be my videographer, and who did TikTok dances behind the iPad to make me laugh and calm me down while I was waiting for them to start.

I am not sure I’ve ever been that nervous in my life — my hand was literally shaking when I started cutting the onion, and good thing I was prepping beforehand, so I could pause and steady myself. I’ve been on live TV a few times before — once for a town hall about sex and the internet, twenty+ years ago, and twice to talk about books on the summer reading segment on local TV.

So why so nervous this time? I think I’m not as confident about cooking as I am about books! I’m just a home cook, no culinary training, etc. But I think it basically went fine — I got in most of what I wanted to say, and I actually managed to cook a little too. But boy, 4 minutes goes REALLY fast.

Kavi’s even cleaning the kitchen for me now while I collapse on the couch. Best daughter.

(Addendum — I wore a kurta top I picked up at Selyn in Sri Lanka and my Sri Lankan 24K gold hoop earrings that my parents bought me when I was little, for good luck. Purple hair is Midnight Tanzanite by Splat! )

(And thanks to Pam Whitehead for building me a beautiful kitchen to cook in!)

Link to episode:…/wgn-weekend-…/sunday-brunch-kale-sambol/

Calm, Mary Anne. Calm

A little chaotic today, trying to prep for the TV show tomorrow (I’ll be on live TV, WGN’s Sunday Brunch segment, around 7:35 or so, teaching how to make kale sambol), while also attending ReconveneSFF convention (on a Wild Cards panel in a few hours), and also get the new 100 days challenge kicked off on my fitness group AND start a new writing accountability group, with a 100 days challenge too. It’ll all be fine, but it feels like a LOT of moving parts. 

Morning cooking was carrot and green bean curry, which I’m planning to have out on the counter tomorrow, as something you might include in a Sri Lankan meal, along with kale sambol.

Carrot curry was a staple of my early cooking and got me through a lot of grad school, sometimes alternated with green bean curry — at some point, I decided to try putting them together, since the cooking method is almost identical, and yup, I like it. 

Just cook the carrots for a while first, so they’re almost cooked through, then add the green beans and cook for a few minutes more. Yumyum.…/…/09/sri-lankan-carrot-curry/

Okay, going to go color my hair now, and then I need to prep the beef smoore, and test-run the actual video, and and and….well, we’ll see. One step at a time. Calm, Mary Anne. Calm.

What’s your Favorite Sandwich?

I need to go revise the last chapter of my novel and I’m in major procrastination mode. Here, I’m going to leave a question, turn off FB for an hour, and come back to your lovely responses. It’ll be a nice reward.

What’s your favorite sandwich?

Mine currently is a toasted open-face tomato and cheddar on multigrain, with honey mustard, salt and pepper. DAMN, I want one now.

I may have a different favorite tomorrow.

Talk me Down

Okay, folks, I’m starting to feel a little stressed about my live cooking segment on TV this Sunday morning. Talk me down, because being prepared is the best way I know to battle this kind of imposter syndrome and anxiety.

Give me your best tips for being on TV, what should I do to prepare, etc. and so on. I assume starving myself for three days so I might look marginally thinner is not a good option, so skip that, but anything else? Help.

I’m already thinking I set up the kitchen in advance, with the iPad on its new stand, have Kavi or Kevin record (whichever one I’m going to make get up with me on Sunday morning at 7 a.m.), and do a test run?


• get groceries
• cook dishes that will be accompanying kale sambol I’m actually cooking (Sri Lankan red rice + basmati, either beef and potato curry or beef smoore, maybe a carrot curry? Trying to think of dishes that will look pretty on a plate, but also taste good together.)
• color hair (I’m thinking blue!)

• decide on clothes (I’m probably wearing a bright blue top, possibly with a grey short-sleeve cardigan, and small gold earrings. I think I’m reasonably settled on that.)
• do test run with tech, and in the process:
• make a finished version of the kale sambol to display in case the 4 minutes of time runs tight
• clean kitchen
• plug in iPad, make sure it’s charged

Sunday morning:
– awake by 6 a.m.
– do hair and make-up
– prep chopped kale, chopped tomatoes, chopped onion, so I don’t have to chop it all live
– dress in clean clothes
– set up iPad / stand, lighting if needed
– 7:35 — call in. go, go, go.

Offering Two Classes at Fiberworld

Hey, so I’m a little slow on posting about this, sorry! But I’m going to be offering two classes at Fiberworld. I’ll also be doing a talk on South Asian textile arts (intro-level, as I’m no expert!), a poetry reading, and hosting their fashion show. Will be fun. 

Thursday Aug 20, 3-5 p.m. EDT: Knitted Sweets — Featuring knit & crochet cookies and knit chocolate bars, we’ll show you how to use embossed rollers and molds to make fun textile-inspired treats for your next stitch-and-bitch, or just to enjoy at home.

Friday Aug 21, 3-5 p.m. EDT: Sewing the Deaconess-Style Pleated Face Mask — Bring your sewing machine, fabric, and tools if you want to sew along with us, or just come watch as we talk and walk through the steps for creating a mask with two layers of 100% cotton, a sewn-in layer of filter fabric, and a metal nose piece.

(Not sure of the time of this one yet.)
South Asian Textile Arts

Mary Anne presents an introduction to a few elements of South Asian textile arts. She’ll start with kantha stitching: similar to sashiko in appearance, traditional Bengali kantha embroidery uses a simple running stitch to bind light pieces of cotton together, traditionally used to salvage old cotton saris and turn them into lightweight throws, cushions, and more. Bring an embroidery needle, some floss, and some scrap pieces of cotton if you’d like to stitch along as Mary Anne demonstrates how she salvages remnants of mask fabric and transforms them into charming bookmarks.

She’ll also show you some variations on traditional woven sari fabrics (including colorblocked handloomed Sri Lankan saris from her homeland), and discuss some aspects of what’s involved in bringing traditional South Asian motifs into your textile work, such as knit and crocheted designs.


Class pricing and convention registration at the Fiberworld site. Register here:

Brave New World

One thing that I’ve been struggling with is how much sheer time editing video and audio takes. I pay Darius, who does the first pass on editing, then for the cooking videos, both Stephanie and I review the edited version, and there usually are little clean-up things to add, so I don’t want to skip that step. But it takes a little time. One video / week, usually under 30 minutes, so not too bad, but still.

And for the MRAH podcast, again, Darius does the first pass, but then I’m the one doing the second. And I don’t want to skip that. Even if I left it to Darius to figure out where good break points would be in the episode (because Benjamin and I often record for 2 hours, and that’s a LONG time, so we’re planning to break episodes into part 1, part 2, etc.), he really can’t easily do the annotating.

That part’s important to me — when we mention books, authors, genre conventions, etc. and so on, I want to be sure the show notes are linking to all of those correctly; it’s particularly important because all of this will become part of the Portolan Project too, and will be, I think, useful to people studying SF (either as creative writers or as literature).

So I have to put in the time, which means recording the podcast takes about 3 hours on Sunday morning for the recording, and then at least 3 hours to annotate it. That’s a LOT of time.

I did figure out that it worked okay to review a cooking video while cutting mask fabric, which is more efficient than my watching soap-y Private Practice re-runs (don’t ask why I’ve somehow ended up watching this at the end of this pandemic summer, I think I just wanted to gaze at pretty people making way too much angst for themselves and turn off my brain).

It’s a little tricky, though, because I do have to keep at least glancing at the screen, to make sure that the little measurement notes and such that Darius adds in are accurate. It may work better for editing podcasts, which is the real time-sink right now.

No real conclusions, just noting that editing text is a LOT FASTER than editing audio / video. Brave new world.