Stephanie’s here, and we’re finishing up this little e-book, Serendib Cocktail Party. We promised to do this, and Serendib Tea Party as part of our Vegan Kickstarter, and we’re finally getting these out. If people like them, I may do expanded print versions.
This will have 14 recipes, mostly fruity tropical-ish cocktails & mocktails. If there’s an interest in my doing an expanded print edition, I’d like to add:
– more recipes overall (maybe 16-20 total?)
– a tasty and interesting mocktail for every cocktail (not just ‘leave out the alcohol’), so the book is equally as useful for those who are sober or throwing a sober party
– seasonal divisions, so there are cocktails for spring, summer, fall, and winter (which means I have to develop a bunch more fall and winter cocktails, oh noes)
– suggested appetizers that you could serve with them (I don’t want to fill the book with food, I think, but at least 1-2 for each season?)
Exciting! Book book.