Just Autumnal

Have turned down turkey from 450 to 400, and set up the porch Thanksgiving table with Kavi’s tablecloth. I was pleased to find that our little grocery co-op had three different kinds of intriguing cider, so I hope friends stopping by will take the opportunity to experiment with their apple cider mimosas. And it’s not freezing outside, hooray — just autumnal! So pleased.

Next off to pick up samosas, then filling out petition sheets, so they’re ready for signatures.

This Thanksgiving, I’m grateful for the factors that make it possible for me to run for office — a steady job with reasonable hours, a supportive partner who also has a steady job with reasonable hours, and who is willing to cover childcare on the nights twice a month when I’m in board meetings.

Particularly in a year when so many have lost jobs due to failure of government, I’m acutely aware that we are among a fortunate few. More of our citizens (dare I say, all of them) should be well-supported enough to have the option of such service.

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