Promised Y’all a Coconut Rock / Coconut Ice Recipe

I promised y’all a coconut rock / coconut ice recipe. I really should’ve posted it as I was cooking, but it was sort of a frenzy as I tried to keep four different variations straight, and blogging as I went was just beyond me that day. But I’m going to try to recreate it, sort of, here, using my photos as memory aids.

So in this first version, I used milk, sugar, dessicated coconut, and food coloring. This was a very common approach in the recipes I consulted, and it is just fine. But it is also my least favorite option, so I’m not going to bother writing out a recipe for it. 🙂. If you google ‘coconut rock’ or ‘coconut ice,’ you should find many write-ups of this.

Note: That pot was JUST barely large enough — I’d recommend using a larger pot. 🙂

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