Reclaiming Leftover Tandoori Chicken

Yesterday was another day of reclaiming leftover tandoori chicken. Makes enough for 4-6; this is something we end up doing about once a month.

1. Set water boiling for pasta.

2. While pasta water is coming to a rolling boil, strip chicken off the bone.

3. Add pasta to water, set a timer.

4. In a large pan, sauté chicken in a little oil or ghee with the onions that came with the chicken.

5. Deglaze the fond with whatever random wine you have open.

6. Add some cream (about 1/2 – 1 c.) and simmer it in.

7. When the timer goes off, drain pasta and add to chicken in pan.

8. Chop a little cilantro from the garden if you like, and stir it in.

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