Sometimes, You Just Want to Indulge

I came home from World Fantasy and almost immediately made myself comfort food — beef and potato curry, the first thing I really learned to cook, with some indulgent short-grain white rice.

I usually try to make rice with a lower glycemic index, because I had gestational diabetes with Anand, so I try to be a little careful of my sugars. But sometimes, you just want to indulge. 🙂

Kavi and Kevin love this curry too — Anand still can’t handle anything spicy, poor munchkin. Sensitive tongue!

No Bad Marshmallows

Kavi came home when I was packing up marshmallows for the Wonderland treat boxes, and asked if there were any bad ones she could eat, and I had to say no, because I’d made just enough this time.

Don’t feel too sorry for her, though; I’ll probably make another batch of passionfruit marshmallows in the next day or two, so she’ll get plenty, and those are her favorites. 🙂

#1 in Cooking

Well, this is exciting. 🙂 Vegan Serendib is #1 in IngramSpark’s “COOKING / Regional & Ethnic / Indian & South Asian” category!

Booksellers, please do feel free to place orders, and if you’d like me to do an event for you (virtual or in-person), let’s talk! Reviewers, let me know if you’d like a copy!

Official launch is November 15, which I’m just realizing is only 5 days away. Eep.

They’ll Have You Seeing Stars

The Caterpillar says, “Won’t you try my marshmallows? They’ll have you seeing stars…”

Smoked & salted vanilla marshmallows three ways:

– dark chocolate with crumbled graham crackers
– ruby chocolate with a dizzying array of colored sprinkles
– white chocolate with green glitter and gold stars

Vegan Serendib Is Feeling Real

This also arrived today, paperback galleys. Eep! Vegan Serendib is starting to feel very real.

AND, it looks like my cancer memoir, Tornado, will actually ALSO be coming out very VERY shortly, paired with a reissue of Perennial. Woot!

So it’s just going to be ALL THE BOOKS, ALL THE TIME around here…