Passionfruit Gummies

(makes about 250 teeny tiny gummies)

Super-easy, super-cute. Passionfruit puree, which I order online, is thick and intensely flavored, which is why I end up diluting it with water for these gummies. If you’re using juice, then just use 2 cups of juice and no water.

1 c. passionfruit puree
1 c. water
3 T (1.25 oz packet) plain gelatin

1/4 c. sugar (optional)

1. Combine passionfruit and water in a glass measuring cup and microwave on high a few minutes until hot (alternately, heat in a pot on the stove).

2. Stir in gelatin and sugar (if using) until dissolved.

3. Pour into gummy mold and chill one hour until set. (Alternately, pour into pie plates, and cut into squares or use a cookie cutter.)

NOTE: These store best in the refrigerator; after a few days at room temperature, they tend to dry out.

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