Thinking about a “Veganuary” giveaway

I’ve been trying to think about a promo I could do for Vegan Serendib in January — lots of people do ‘veganuary,’ so it seems the logical time. What do you think of something like this?


  • I post a set of recipes from Vegan Serendib — maybe two dozen or so, to get people going.
  • if you cook and post photos of three recipes / week, between Monday and Sunday, you get a free digital copy of our cookbook sampler, with 40 vegan Sri Lankan recipes, AND you’ll be entered into a drawing for a paperback edition of the full cookbook for that week. (If you already have a digital copy, you can gift others to friends!)
  • if you do that for all four weeks of January, you get a free digital copy of Vegan Serendib (120 recipes), and you’ll be entered into a drawing for a hardcover edition


Does that seem clear? Appealing enough that you might want to enter? Thoughts welcome to help me refine this! The goal would be to post it tomorrow morning and kick things off.

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