Experimenting with decorative tops on Mas Paan

One reason I’m more of a recipe writer than a cook is that the experimenting is the most fun for me; this is what I was playing with on Thursday. I was curious whether I could do mas paan with a more decorative top than is typical. Answer — sort of kind of.

(The first two photos are mine — the four pretty ones that follow are inspiration images found online.)

Our standard curry filling is robust and moist enough that if you try to do the thing where you slice the buns on top to create a cross or star pattern, and actually slice through, it’ll have a very good chance of basically just bursting open at the cuts. Still tastes delicious, not so pretty. If you wanted that, I think you’d need to make more of a paste, like what I assume they used for the red bean filling buns (photo 3). So I wouldn’t recommend that.

If you’re very careful, you can slice just lightly enough to create a cross or star pattern of indentations, but that is a *lot* of finicky work for many little buns. Honestly, I would have to love you a whole lot to go to that much trouble, esp. since I’d expect some wastage along the way. (Some people are more skilled with delicate knife work than me, so they should feel free to go for it, though. The results are lovely, as in photo 4. Be sure to sprinkle seeds first, then slice, to get that effect.)

MAYBE I’d do scoring for a wedding or similar major occasion — I could make a triple batch, and plan to freeze the ones where I accidentally sliced through, and then eat those for my own snacks (happily) in months to come. But I wouldn’t really recommend the slicing approach either for our curry buns, unless you are quite persnickety. (If you watch the Great British Bake Show, you may remember the episodes where some contestants came to grief attempting their “artistically scored decorative loaves”…).

If you abandon scoring, though, you still have the option of sprinkling seeds. I don’t think that’s typical for mas paan in Sri Lanka — I googled, and only found one image with seeds sprinkled on top, and I don’t remember seeing it when visiting. But it works great.

After filling the bun, turning it over so the seam is on the bottom, and brushing with beaten egg (skip that last if allergic, but otherwise, it adds nice color and sheen to the bun), just sprinkle the seeds of your choice.

This was particular useful to me as I had three different kinds of buns, and I wanted to be sure I could tell them apart easily. (In Sri Lanka, fish buns are typically triangular, but I think most of the other buns I’ve seen are round?)

I ended up with:

– beef curry buns topped with black chia seeds
– spicy caramelized onion buns (seeni sambol) topped with sesame seeds
– jackfruit and chickpea curry topped with organic hemp seeds

The seeds add a lovely crunch element too, so unless I have someone seed-allergic at the table, I think I’ll be making all my curry buns topped with seeds from now on.

Rose bun photo added for inspiration — I may try that someday! And isn’t that last one, perfectly scored and seeded, just gorgeous? Mmm…

Production cooking for Bite Nite 2020

I might have to start admitting that I’m a *little* bit of an actual cook. Production cooking for Friday’s Bite Nite. My kitchen was full of trays of curry buns, and I was quite pleased with how the little serving boats came out, with buns nestled in kale sambol. This variety: jackfruit & chickpea curry buns, topped with a little organic hemp seed. Mmm….

Chili chocolates for Bite Nite. Straight up dark chocolate with cayenne blended in. They ended up quite spicy, and I kept warning people of that as they picked them up, but none of the ones who wanted to try spicy chocolate heeded my warnings. They just grinned and walked away, excitedly carrying their chocolate. Spice-heads!

One woman swung back later to tell me that she’d been nibbling on her piece all evening, and it was very good, but yes, very spicy.


For Bite Nite, I tried making milk toffee with sultanas (golden raisins) added in, along with the chopped cashews. I was thinking of it as Royal Milk Toffee, since doing that adds to the expense and it feels more luxurious…

Adding sultanas is a common traditional variation for milk toffee. It added just enough moisture to my recipe that it set differently — not quite firm enough to cut cleanly into squares per usual, so I ended up scooping irregular fudge-like chunks to put into little confectionery paper cups.

One man asked what was in it, and then sadly said, “I hate raisins,” before he walked away. So these are not for everyone! But I actually really like them.

I *think* I might even like them better than my regular milk toffee; the fruitiness contrasts beautifully with the fudge-like sweetness of the rest of the dessert.

(Stephanie agreed. 🙂 )

Serendib Press work meeting and Bite Nite

Odd start to the weekend — I slept until almost 10, which was not my plan — I must have needed it badly. When I got up, went pretty much straight into a Serendib Press work meeting with Stephanie and Heather. Coffee was helpful. Coffee and meds!

Heather took the train out from Ann Arbor this weekend, to help with Bite Nite, but also to get some work done with me, meet Stephanie in person (also hopefully Cee Gee and Karen for the SLF), and have a sort of annual meeting for Serendib Press, though I didn’t really realize that’s what we were doing until halfway through the meeting.

We worked for 1.5 hrs, mostly recapping where we are at this point (Heather’s been working with me for a year now; Stephanie started last fall, so close to six months?), sketching out rough plans for the next few years of the Press.

Immediate goals are getting Feast up and off the ground well, hopefully. Next goal (might not happen until summer) is getting my backlist back under my control and start producing it again, making it easier for people to buy my books (and hopefully setting up some nice passive income to sustain future anthology and other projects). It’s going to be challenging, but hopefully productive? We’ll see. The shoestring budget is more of a cobweb at the moment…

At 1, Kevin, Heather, and I are going to spend an hour on organizing Serendib Press stuff in the basement, which is utter chaos right now — it was so harried prepping for yesterday’s Bite Night after a full week of teaching work that I completely failed to keep things organized, so we’re literally tripping over boxes and such at the moment, can’t get to the freezer, etc. This can’t go on.

But first, a break. I’m going to put a load of laundry in, then play a video game and watch some dumb TV, rest a little. Heather and I were on our feet for about six straight hours last night (me after a day of teaching), so am a bit tired. I definitely am not in physical shape for doing food production work full-time. 

Lots of people asked us last night where our restaurant was located (I should have put Serendib Press instead of Serendib Kitchen on the sign, which might have helped), and I admit, every time I said, “Oh, there’s no restaurant — I’m a writer, not a cook,” I felt a little relieved!

(All of which just gives me even more admiration for the delicious Filipino food produced by Chef Roel and his family for pig & fire — I think they have another event happening in the city today. They have a young kid, his wife is a resident; the food world is tough, people! It was great seeing them last night — their delectable pancit and lumpia sustained me through the long hours…)

Several people asked me if Serendib Kitchen did catering. After I got over my first impulse to laugh maniacally, I admitted that it was not outside the realm of possibility (I actually did a bit in college!), but there’s a set of food licensing, renting space in a commercial kitchen, etc. stuff that would need to happen first. Carnivore (only a block away) did offer to rent me space in their commercial kitchen…

It would be a VERY occasional thing if so. But, um, possible…? Esp. this year, while promoting the cookbook. Locals, talk to me if interested. We’re also planning on some pop-ups at Carnivore, The Beer Shop, etc. — calendar coming soon!


Two Sri Lankan cuisine questions

Two Sri Lankan cuisine questions:

a) I’m making seeni sambol buns and beef curry buns (mas paan) for the Bite Nite event on Friday. I’m thinking of using a food processor on the (already cooked) seeni sambol to chop it a bit, so the onions are a little less stringy in texture. Is that going to lead to disaster? I haven’t seen a recipe that calls for that, but I think it might be good. Thoughts? (In retrospect, it would be better to just finely chop the onions if you’re going to do that, but I didn’t think of that beforehand, and now the seeni sambol is made, so…)

b) Are there other common vegetarian fillings for these kinds of buns that I’m not familiar with? I have jackfruit, for example, and could make a jackfruit curry filling, or jackfruit and potato. I could also do chickpea curry. (I could do lentils, but I think I want something more savory and robust in flavor, with that tomato component, rather than a creamy coconut milk lentil in a bun.) Thoughts?

Sunday dinner was lovely

Sunday dinner this week was actually a full meal! Yay, us! We had crudité! We had bread! And it only took 15 minutes or so to prep together (aside from the ice cream) (plus baking time).

Admittedly, we bought a bag of frozen brown-and-serve rolls, so making bread was mostly a matter of sticking those on a tray and adding it to the oven ten minutes before the chicken was done, but hey, I’ll take it. 

This week’s menu:

• crudité with carrots, bell pepper, ranch dip, hummus (set out in advance, so hungry people could nibble while cooking / waiting, and get some vegetables into us — Anand said, “I’m so hungry, even raw carrots taste delicious!” Yes, that is my sneaky plan, child.)

• baked chicken thighs wrapped in prosciutto and topped with mozzarella (no need for anything else in the baking dish, since the prosciutto and cheese give plenty of salt, and the chicken gives off liquids that it cooks in, making a beautifully moist result — just bake in oven @ 400 for 35 minutes). Kevin grated the mozzarella (you could use pre-grated, but Kev is picky, and if he’s willing to grate it, that’s fine with me!), and the kids helped with wrapping the chicken and sprinkling the cheese. The cheese did get a *little* browner than ideal, so you might want to cover with foil for the first half of cooking if you’re being fussy, but definitely remove it after that, so the liquids can cook off and the cheese can brown.

• asparagus roasted in olive oil, salt, and pepper (Kavi did most of this, with a few reminders of process along the way; I’m determined to get the kids really used to roasting vegetables before they start high school, so they can do it easily for themselves once they leave us — we prepped it along with the chicken, but waited and added it to the oven along with the bread, about 10 minutes before the chicken was due to be done)

• warm, crusty rolls, served with a) olive oil & fresh grated Parmesan (for Kavi), b) olive oil & balsamic vinegar (for me and Kevin)


• two varieties of homemade ice cream (vanilla with chocolate chips / passionfruit with fresh berries, made by Anand and me the Saturday afternoon before)

It was lovely.

(And I love that photo of Kevin’s hands working, and Kavi’s hands beside him as she watched and learned.)


We added something new this time — we went around with “Rose, rose, thorn, bud” first, which was a little awkward since none of us had done that before, but if we do it a few more times, I’m hopeful that it’ll help get the kids in the habit of pleasant dinner table conversation.

The main goal of that is to get them used to actually taking turns leading the conversation, asking people questions about the good and hard things in their lives, not interrupting too much, etc. I would like to raise socially adept children, if possible, who can adapt to different conversational styles, be welcoming and inclusive, etc., though it does take a little extra work given neurodiverse frameworks. (And of course, if we learn more about their lives and what’s going on with them, that’s good too.)

And then we played Geography until we were done eating, and everyone helped clear the table and clean the kitchen.

Passionfruit homemade ice cream

Mmm….this is my kind of ice cream — passionfruit. Basic vanilla recipe + passionfruit puree. It is v. tangy!

(The chocolate chips are because it’s the second half of the vanilla w/ chocolate chip ice cream I made for the kids; I just added the passionfruit puree to that. I wouldn’t really recommend doing that! Though a drizzle of chocolate syrup would be lovely with this fruity ice cream.)

Kavi did think the passionfruit ice cream was just a bit *too* tangy on its own (is there such a thing?), and maybe she’s right. (I mean, she’s still happily eating bowls of it, so take that critique for what it’s worth…)

I think the ideal form of this ice cream might be swirled with vanilla ice cream, or even better, swirled with vanilla & rose ice cream. I’m going to try that next, I think. 

Alternately, you could use half as much puree, if you didn’t want to bother with swirling a second batch, and I think that might be a more generally popular version, for those people who aren’t quite as addicted to tang as I am. (I’m the person who eagerly reaches for the lemon cake, and then is so often disappointed because it isn’t lemon-y enough…)

But I loved this ice cream as it was, and I’m having a hard time not just eating an entire batch out of the tupperware with a spoon! Especially when graced with appropriate complements:

• If you like the summer beach classic treat of mangoes with chili and lime, passionfruit & vanilla ice cream sprinkled with cayenne is in that same flavor family. Mmmm…

• And at least as good — passionfruit ice cream with fresh strawberries. It reminds me of being in Sri Lanka, in the hill country, eating strawberries with Karina from a roadside stand. And now I’m homesick…

I think passionfruit is my favorite flavor right now. I’m obsessed. 

Homemade Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

For our first batch of homemade ice cream, Anand requested chocolate, which is a little dull to try to make with an ice cream maker, but okay, might as well start with a simple classic, except it turned out that we were inexplicably out of cocoa (actually, I’m sure we’re not, but I can’t FIND IT, gah), so we made vanilla instead, and dropped in some chocolate chips, and it was pretty good, though the chips were too big, everyone agreed, and mini chips would’ve been better. But nonetheless, experiment #1 with the new ice cream maker = success, and it was all eaten up by the end of the day.

(Side note: we didn’t read the instructions carefully enough — you’re supposed to have the plastic top on before you pour anything into the frozen ice cream bowl. It didn’t cause disaster or anything, but wanted to note that the first picture is technically wrong.)

Online shopping cart advice?

Shopping cart advice? We’re realizing that the PayPal ‘shop’ buttons and the set-up of our Feast page isn’t ideal; it’s a lot of scrolling, etc. I’m wondering if we should set it up in a different kind of way, maybe an Etsy shop or something else? Recommendations welcome! I’m mostly selling print goods, but also digital rewards and occasional soaps, etc.